Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Didn't get to post yesterday but the weather was nice. We went to Progreso and went around pricing the booze we want to buy. The best prices were right near the border so we can make a quick dash in and out. There hasn't really been any problems in Progreso. Progreso is too small and too poor to be of much importance. I also heard that one of the reasons Progreso is safer is because there is only one road in and out of that town. We also heard that the town has been paying off the Zeta gang. A problem that could come up is that the Zetas are loosing in the cartel wars. We went to Happy Hour in the park and had a great time.  Monday night's entertainment is popular and the hall was crowded because people come from other parks.

Did some shopping today and found out that the bank of Wal-Mart is closed. We usually use a credit card at Wal-Mart and get cash back. They only give cash back now with a Debit Card. We only brought our credit cards. Have to find a way to get cash while we are here. We went to Happy Hour again today and met up with 9 other couples from different parks. We all went out to dinner at China Buffet. The food was OK. The strange part is that in the Downers Grove area all the employees in an Oriental Restaurant are all Oriental. Here they were all Mexican. Weather forecast for tomorrow is in the mid 80's. We are going to Padre Island for lunch.

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