Monday, August 15, 2011

Frank Slide and Crows Nest Pass

Trying to post now with an over-active forgetter, I am getting some posts out of order.

The Frank Slide

At around 4:00 AM in 1903 about half the mountain broke off and slid down. The town of Frank was at the base of the mountain. The debris field extends for miles.

Keep in mind, back in 1903 there was no heavy equipment to remove the rocks.

After Frank's Slide we drove on the Crows Nest Pass and went a short way into British Columbia. It was getting late so we turned around and stopped for dinner.

When we finished dinner we went to complete our drive back to the campground and Dwight's truck would not start.


Dwight called his cousin Charlie and he drove the 100 Kilometers to where we were. Since his car would not hold everyone, I went back with the women and walked Dot then drove Charlie's car back and got Dwight and Larry. Charlie sure bailed us out.

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