Monday, January 31, 2011

Jan 31 2011

We have had problems getting on the net again so we haven't added anything till now. We left the Valley on on Friday the 28th. When we hitched up we noticed that one tire looked low. Drove over to the air compressor and checked all the tires. We went about 75 miles and after passing the Border Patrol check point we pulled into a rest stop. I rechecked the tire and it had lost 30 lbs of pressure. Called the repair service and they came out and changed the tire. It was the same tire that gave me trouble on the way to Texas. Found a tire repair shop on the road and stopped to have it fixed. The tire was shot. Continued on to just south of San Antonio and unhitched and went to a Discount Tire store. I looked at the other tire and it didn't look good. They checked it and it was bad too. Ended up buying 2 new tires.

                                                                 Border Patrol Check point

Some of the scenery on I 10

Welcome to New Mexico

Right now we are in Deming NM. With the winter storms hitting even here we may be here for another day or two.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Jan. 22 2011

Not much new to report. Time is running out here very quickly. We will be on the road on Friday to head to Arizona. We had another fish fry today. I cooked up the Red Snapper throats. There was a lot more meat there then I thought there would be. I should have taken a picture of them. When our friends came over I had them looking for something that I lost shortly after I got here.

No matter how hard we looked we just could not find my diet. Luckily, I think I have another one at home. When I finally get back I'll have to look for it.

Sunday we will go to the Elk's Club for their chicken dinner.  After an early (11:00 a.m.) dinner, we will head over to the huge outdoor flea market for the last time.  We have one last trip planned to Mexico on Tuesday.  Can't believe two months have gone so fast. 

Friday, January 14, 2011

Jan 14 2011

Well, this is the 4th day I have attempted to post a new page. I would get all the typing in, find the photos I wanted to post and then I could not post them as I lost my Internet connection. Our Canadian friends have funneled their cold air all the way down to the valley. The temps have been in the 40's at night and it has been cold, cloudy and very damp for the last few days. Now I have to remember what we did.
We had a 3 family fish fry that came out great. We cut the filets into small even sized pieces so they all cook at the same speed.

Since Tim is a connoisseur of junk beers I bought him a real junk beer. He loved it.  It was Milwaukee's Best.

The park started filling up after the New Year and we now have neighbors on each side of us and behind us. We met the people that are on our door side last year and saw them again at the Escapees Rally in Goshen, Indiana. The paint job on their trailer is unique.

Today we went to a unusual place for breakfast. The lady took the first floor of her house and turned it into a breakfast restaurant. To get to our seats we had to walk through her kitchen. It was all Mexican foods. I had 2 breakfast tacos and Gloria had a Mexican omelet. As we were finishing the lady brought us a sample of a dish she makes. It is oatmeal with cinnamon and chocolate. I thought it was OK but Gloria did not like it at all. After that we went to the Valley RV show and got back in time for Happy Hour. We met Larry and Carol at 6:30 p.m. and played some cards and we are now snug in our trailer. Tomorrow we are going out to Mission the see Rob and Sharon. There is an open house at their RV Park.  They are trying to attract people to buy lots.  The Open House will consist of refreshments, drawings for prizes and a dance. 

Our park is holding a "Prom" dance Saturday night.  Neither one of us could find a date so we won't be going.  On Sunday the entertainment at our park is a guy who does Hank Williams music and we will go to that.  There is always something to do here.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Jan 7 2011

 Went fishing yesterday but I never had time to post the Blog. Today was another busy one so I haven't had any time until now. When Tim and I left at 5:45AM it was foggy as hell. It took us a lot longer to get to Port Mansfield (where the boat is docked) than we thought. We knew we had to make a turn by the water tower but we didn't see it until we were right next to it. It's a big tower. The fog lifted about 20 minutes later. It was about an hour and a half boat ride to the fishing spot. It was a little chilly early but it warmed up nicely and the seas were calm. There were 24 of us on the boat. We were fishing for Red Snapper. There is a 4 fish limit per person. There were a couple of women who weren't fishing and after I limited out I caught 2 more to help fill their limit. I've added some fishing photo's.
I spent my time fishing and not taking photos of other people fishing except this one.
Our Catch weighed in at about 40 lbs.

Cleaning the fish.

We made up a big bag of fish to have a fish fry in Arizona when we meet up with the rest of the group. We will be meeting up with two other couples and possibly a third. I have another ticket to go on the same    boat. Some time before we leave I will be going to Padre Island with Rob Renner to try some surf fishing. We went out to dinner tonight with Rob & Sharon, Tim & Nancy and Larry & Carol. When I get the photos that Sharon took and I will post them. 

Monday, January 3, 2011

Jan. 3 2011

Larry and I made the raid into Mexico. Tim didn't make it. When we crossed the border we stopped at a new place for us and had lunch. They have a 2x1 (2 for 1) Meal and Drink special. We each had the Shrimp plate with rice, beans and fries plus a beer. It was $9.95 for the 2 meals and the beers. We are going back with the wives and we will pick up some booty for Pam and Dennis.

The restaurant was on the 4th floor of the Arizona Building.

Walking around town today we noticed that the prices for some of the booze has increased. More people are in the valley now. They started coming in right after Christmas. Next year we will have to do our shopping early while the prices are lower. While we were there I was shopping for a new hat so I would fit in and not look like an old gringo. I found 2 that I really liked.

When we got back I went up to the roof garden and took a nap because I thought Gloria had some work lined up for me. 

Dot decided to take a nap too.
After my nap Gloria thought I needed to wash all the windows on the trailer.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years Day 2011

Had a good time yesterday at the parks New Years Party. Sat with our friends Tim and Nancy, Larry and Carol, and Jack and Barb were going to be there but Jack was sick so Barb showed up for a short time. Never having been to a New Years Party in a 55+ community I was a amazed. By 11:30 several people were already asleep at their tables. The bar closed at 11:30. They played 1 song after midnight and the hall was 90% empty by 12:15. A good time was had by all. Took a swim this morning to go along with the Christmas morning swim.

                                                                        Tim and Nancy

Larry and Carol

Barb, Gloria and I

A couple from Michigan moved in next door to us. They have a 5th wheel made by the same company that made ours. There are now 6 CrossRoad RV's in the park. Will have to see if we can get a mini rally going in the club house. Monday Larry, Tim and I are going to make another raid into Mexico